Marketing Automation for Ecommerce

Drive leads and grow pipeline for your eCommerce business with Insightly Marketing

Why choose Insightly Marketing?

Build pipeline and revenue

Engage with your audiences, create high-value leads, and grow your business.

Create lifelong customers

Drive loyalty through relevant messaging shared at just the right time in the buying journey.

The marketing app you’ll love

Align across sales and marketing to optimize the customer experience.

Engage audiences and build pipeline

Build trust and grow your business by delivering the right message to the right audience at just the right time.

Insightly Marketing Journeys are an intuitive solution that has helped our client drive a 10x increase in pipeline over just a few months by identifying prospects with a high propensity to convert.

Amy Anderson,
Co-Founder, Wild Coffee Marketing

Email marketing

Quickly and easily create beautiful marketing assets that drive awareness and conversion.

  • Launch great-looking, high-converting campaigns in minutes
  • Use pre-built email templates or customize your own templates with intuitive drag-and-drop functionality
  • Have more control over the way you reach customers with transactional emails and email batching

Landing pages and forms

Create high-quality landing pages designed to convert visitors to leads.

  • Design, build, and clone beautiful, engaging landing pages
  • Capture interest and engagement with embedded forms
  • Share contact information automatically with sales and delivery for seamless follow-up

Journey builder

Create strong relationships by making every touchpoint insightful and engaging

  • Easily build multi-step email sequences that guide customers from awareness to adoption and advocacy
  • Nurture relationships with multi-touch content and logical next-best actions
  • Automatically send notifications, change lead scores, or even trigger workflows based on customer interest and intent

Dynamic list segmentation

Improve your brand reputation and your results by delivering relevant content that builds trust.

  • Show customers you understand them and their business by dynamically adding or removing contacts from your lists
  • Optimize conversion through improved targeting
  • Monitor interest and purchase intent with prospect scoring and grading
  • Segment by firmographic and demographic data and maximize your ability to reach the right person with the right message

Measure and iterate

Make smart decisions, understand what motivates your audience, then iterate and improve on your performance.

The number one biggest benefit of working with Insightly is transparency. Major decisions have to happen and we all have to be on the same page.

Kelsey Dus,
Marketing Director, SIGMA Equipment

Dashboards and reporting

Create a single source of truth, share results across your entire organization, and demonstrate your impact.

  • Track your unique KPIs with shareable dashboard cards and different chart types
  • Evaluate and report on campaign performance with UTM tracking, multi-touch attribution, and ROI tracking
  • Understand audience preference and intent with prospect ID tracking
  • Improve email performance with health reporting

A/B and multivariate testing

Test, learn, and improve your email performance

  • Understand what resonates for your audiences, and what doesn’t
  • Improve your email campaigns and engage your audiences more effectively
  • Go beyond basic A/B testing with easy-to-use advanced testing that will help you optimize results
  • Improve email performance with health reporting

Integrate with ease

Share insights across your entire
organization and build strong
relationships with prospects
and customers.

Modern, unified platform

Extend your reach and drive sales with a unified experience across sales, marketing, and customer support.

  • Show customers you know them with data captured across every single interaction
  • Deliver great experiences across every single sales, marketing, and customer support touchpoint
  • Easy to customize and integrate with the applications you use to run your business


Market smarter and grow faster when you connect Insightly Marketing to the rest of your tech stack.

  • Capture leads more easily from all your digital advertising channels, like Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Connect your eCommerce platform to Insightly, send targeted campaigns, and sell more
  • Empower your marketing operations team to own all your integrations
Watch the video

CRM + Marketing Automation Yields 3x Revenue Increase

Manufacturing firm SIGMA Equipment shares the benefit of using Insightly CRM + Insightly Marketing to drive better cross-team communication, move faster, and generate more revenue.

Watch the video

Privacy and compliance

We use Insightly to run Insightly, so we make sure your data is as secure and safe as our own. We work with customers every day to make sure that their data security requirements are met and exceeded.

  • Independently assessed for compliance to SOC 2 Type II
  • Single sign-on via industry standard authentication protocols
  • Support for two-factor authentication
  • Encryption of data in transit and at rest
  • EU/US Privacy Shield and GDPR Compliance

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is marketing automation in ecommerce?

Marketing automation is software that handles routine marketing tasks without the need for human interaction. Some common automations involve include emails, list segmentation, lead scoring and grading, and landing page development. Ecommerce companies use these to facilitate conversions, nurture leads for repeat business, and upsell-cross sell past buyers.

How do you use ecommerce data in marketing automation?

An example is looking at when a person buys and then automating email messages with offers to arrive in their inbox at the optimum time. Another example to sending emails with discounts and referral rewards to current customers to get them to refer your business to their friends.

Is marketing automation only for big ecommerce companies?

In the early days, marketing automation platforms came with high price tags that only large ecommerce enterprises could afford. Today, there are many affordably priced platforms that are intuitive so that virtually any ecommerce organization of any size can use this technology.

Insightly Marketing in Action

Marketing Automation For Ecommerce

Marketing automation for ecommerce has become a driving force in the modern business world. This amalgamation of technologies and software platforms is designed to automate, streamline, and measure marketing tasks. Marketing automation enhances efficiency and accelerates revenue for businesses, making it a vital tool for companies to remain competitive in today’s digital era.

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So what is eCommerce automation? Automation refers to software or platforms that automate repetitive tasks, freeing up time and resources for users to spend elsewhere. In the ecommerce industry, marketing automation can be used in various ways, from sending automated emails to customers based on their shopping behavior to running targeted advertising campaigns.

Here’s a more in-depth look at how automated ecommerce business software is being used today: 

  • Customer Segmentation: In order to achieve targeted and effective marketing, ecommerce businesses employ CRM (Customer Relationship Management system) with marketing automation software to segment their customers based on parameters like purchasing behavior, browsing history, and demographics. This segmentation enables businesses to create personalized and relevant marketing campaigns that yield higher conversion rates.
  • Email Marketing: One of the most prevalent uses of marketing automation in the ecommerce industry is in email marketing. This process entails automating a series of personalized emails based on customer behavior. For instance, cart abandonment emails are triggered when a customer leaves items in their shopping cart without completing the purchase.
  • Social Media Marketing: Marketing automation also extends to social media platforms. Businesses automate their social media posts to ensure consistency and optimize engagement. Many also utilize automation tools to track and analyze the performance of their social media campaigns, providing actionable insights for strategy optimization.
  • Product Recommendations: Ecommerce businesses use automation to analyze customer behavior and purchase history, subsequently automating product recommendations. These personalized suggestions significantly enhance the shopping experience and increase average order values.
  • Customer Retention: Automation tools are employed to identify at-risk customers, engage them with win-back campaigns, and offer incentives to increase customer loyalty.

The role of marketing CRM software in the ecommerce industry is extensive and continuously evolving. It encompasses diverse facets of ecommerce operations, from customer segmentation and engagement to inventory management and order fulfillment. As this technology progresses, more opportunities are coming to light, demonstrating the versatility of automation tools.

By embracing marketing automation, ecommerce businesses can not only improve operational efficiency but create a more personalized and satisfying shopping experience for their customers. In today’s increasingly competitive ecommerce landscape, marketing automation has become an indispensable tool for success.


Marketing Automation Benefits for Ecommerce

Marketing automation for ecommerce is about more than just convenience or luxury—it’s an absolute necessity for companies seeking to stay competitive and profitable. By incorporating a good marketing automation system, businesses can enjoy the following benefits: 

  • Increased Efficiency: Organizations that automate repetitive tasks like email marketing and customer segmentation save substantial time and resources. This extra time can be better utilized for strategic decision-making and innovation.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: A marketing automation system can allow companies to provide a more personalized experience for their customers. By analyzing customer data and behavior, businesses can tailor their marketing strategies to meet the specific needs and preferences of their customers.
  • Scalability: As an ecommerce business grows, so does the number of marketing tasks they have to complete. Ecommerce marketing automation tools allow them to easily scale up their marketing operations without the need for a proportional increase in resources or manpower.
  • Improved Targeting and Segmentation: With the help of automation, businesses can segment their customers based on their preferences and past interactions. In doing so, they create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate better with their audience, leading to higher conversion rates.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: One of the most significant marketing automation benefits is the ability to extract data on customer behavior and campaign performance. This data can help businesses make informed decisions about their marketing strategies, ensuring they get the best return on their investment.

To better visualize these benefits, consider the following marketing automation examples:

Email Marketing for eCommerce

An ecommerce company can set up an automated email campaign that sends a welcome email to new customers, promotional emails to active customers, and re-engagement emails to dormant customers. Using list segmentation and customer journeys can significantly improve customer engagement and retention.

Social Media Automation for eCommerce

Businesses can schedule social media posts ahead of time to maintain a consistent online presence. They can also use automation tools to track the performance of their posts, thereby fine-tuning their social media strategy.

Ecommerce Marketing Strategy

An e commerce marketing strategy is a detailed plan of action designed to promote an organization’s products or services. It aims to attract and convert customers, ideally retaining them for the long term. The most effective strategies encompass different marketing channels and prioritize customer-centric practices.

Here are a few of the most common types of e-commerce marketing strategies employed today: 

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO): SEO is a strategy designed to improve websites’ visibility in search engines. It involves optimizing site content to rank higher on results pages, driving organic traffic to the website.
  • Content Marketing: Content marketing involves creating and sharing valuable content such as blogs, videos, and infographics to attract and retain a clearly defined audience. This can ultimately lead to profitable customer actions.
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: PPC advertising is a marketing strategy in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on their online ads. This type of marketing is an efficient way to quickly drive traffic.

Viewing e commerce marketing examples is a great way to learn more about these types of strategies and how they have helped other businesses achieve their marketing goals. For instance, an organization might leverage SEO by optimizing their product descriptions with relevant keywords to rank higher on Google search results.

A quality CRM marketing strategy doesn’t just focus on attracting new customers, but retaining old ones. CRM systems play a critical role in managing company interactions with potential and existing customers, enabling users to track their customers’ behavior, preferences, and interactions. This information can be used to personalize marketing efforts and build long-term relationships.

By integrating a marketing automation CRM alongside your marketing strategy, you can achieve your objectives more efficiently. Rather than trying to monitor and analyze all customer interactions manually, you can automate tasks and obtain crucial insights to drive improved performance. This is key to differentiating your brand from your competitors and demonstrating your commitment to hearing customers’ voices.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution in terms of how specifically to use a CRM, which is why it’s important to outline your specific needs. Identify customer pain points and determine how CRM software for eCommerce may be able to help with whatever marketing strategy you have in place.

Ecommerce Marketing Automation Tools

Building a robust marketing technology stack is essential for any ecommerce company seeking to expand their operations and gain new customers. An effective tech stack integrates a suite of ecommerce automation tools, ecommerce marketing platforms, and ecommerce marketing software. 

When building a tech stack, look for the following features in a solution: 

  • Functionality: The primary consideration when choosing tools and platforms for your marketing tech stack is functionality. The software should fulfill your specific needs, whatever those happen to be. For example, if your strategy is built around social media marketing, you should look for a marketing automation solution that includes automation features for social media, such as automatic posting. 
  • Integration: Another key factor is how well the different elements of your tech stack integrate with each other. This is important because a well-integrated tech stack allows data to flow seamlessly between different platforms, improving efficiency and providing a more holistic view of your marketing efforts.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The software’s interface should be intuitive and easy to use. A complex system can slow down your team and lead to errors, so while powerful functionality may be beneficial, it shouldn’t come at the cost of user experience.
  • Support and Training: Good customer support and adequate training resources are critical for marketing automation platforms, especially if your team isn’t particularly tech-savvy. The vendor should provide comprehensive training and be readily available to assist with any issues that arise.

To find the best CRM for marketing automation, it’s also important to consider the reputation of the software provider. Look at the track record of different marketing automation companies; check out their customer reviews and, if available, case studies. 

Case studies demonstrate actionable results and show how different types of clients leveraged the company’s software to achieve their desired results. Some also serve as a warning for what not to do when executing on a marketing strategy or a CRM strategy for eCommerce. Learning from others’ mistakes is key to improving your own operations. 

With the number of solutions available on the market, deciding between them can be difficult. However, by considering your unique needs, as well as the track record and reputation of each vendor, you can choose the right partner for your marketing efforts. Taking the time to choose the right software provider can make a world of difference in your strategy.

Insightly offers fast adoption and enormous savings, making it possible for ecommerce businesses to simplify the way they handle their marketing campaigns. While the total cost of ownership for CRMs like Salesforce can be upwards of $20,000, Insightly can be adopted for a fraction of the price.

Request a personalized demo to learn more about Insightly’s platform and how it can help your business succeed in the modern market.