Unify Your Finance Business With the Leading Finance CRM

Businesses in the financial sector choose Insightly

The finance industry needs to deliver great experiences

Whether you’re in banking, investing, or a wealth management firm, success in financial services depends on understanding your customers and providing solutions.

Customers measure their experience by how well companies understand their needs and to what extent they are willing to customize their offering to the individual. This means finance professionals must provide more than standard information or simple attempts to sell their products. Instead, the greater focus must rest on how you can improve the customers’ financial future.

On top of all that, financial data requires the highest levels of security and data management. Your systems should have SOC 2 accreditation, and support multi-factor authentication. Look for GDPR compliance (and HIPAA compliance, depending on your industry) with encryption in transit and at rest.

Still using unencrypted spreadsheets? You are putting data at risk.

Financial services firms grow faster with Insightly

Financial services companies that deliver a unified customer experience through Insightly are winning more clients, generating higher revenue, and retaining clients longer.

Insightly Marketing

Marketing automation helps firms attract site visitors, convert them to prospects, and run marketing campaigns at scale. Insightly Marketing includes an intuitive, simple journey builder, A/B and multivariate testing, beautiful, flexible email templates and enterprise-grade dashboards.

Insightly CRM

A CRM helps financial services firms streamline sales processes, improve profitability, and create long-term customer relationships. Insightly is easy to use and adopt, incredibly flexible and customizable, integrates easily, and provides quick time-to-value.

Insightly Service

Great customer service increases revenue and drives great relationships. This makes it an important part of any firm’s value proposition and can be a key differentiator in the industry. Insightly Service is a ticketing application that includes a convenient customer portal, knowledge management and insights, SLA management and in-depth analytics.

Give your financial service firm an edge

Streamline business processes

Align your teams and processes around a single source of truth, get rid of silos and time-wasting activities, and close deals faster. Customize views and workflows based on your unique business needs and user preferences, securely connect all your tools, and create custom real-time data dashboards.

Accelerate Sales

  • Collaborate across the organization with centralized customer data
  • Grow your business faster with lead management and automated workflows
  • Drive greater ROI with tailored opportunity and pipeline management

Build Relationships

  • Understand complex organizational relationships with flexible record linking
  • Track frequency of interactions by linking emails, proposals and every interaction back to organizations and contacts
  • Increase sales velocity with a holistic view of what the customer wants and needs

Track key metrics

  • Create graphical data visualizations to reveal insights and monitor progress towards your goals
  • Share data across teams in easily digestible formats so your teams are all on the same page

Integrate with the apps your financial firm uses

You’ve got apps for accounting, HR, communication, and more. Insightly AppConnect keeps everything integrated.

With AppConnect there’s no need to copy and paste data between apps, upload CSVs, or to write complex code—all of your apps are just…connected.

With just a couple of clicks your business data transfers between apps automatically making it a breeze to run repetitive business tasks. Connect to popular financial services apps like QuickBooks Online, Xero, NetSuite, Sage, Workday, Stripe, PayPal and hundreds more.

Insightly can connect to hundreds of the apps you use every day like accounting systems, ERP systems, HR systems, Helpdesk and IT systems, databases, calendars, and collaboration and chat tools. There are more than 500 different app connectors in AppConnect ready to go today and new ones are added every week.

Build automated workflows with 1200+ integrated apps

Privacy and compliance

We use Insightly to run Insightly, so we make sure your data is as secure and safe as our own. We work with customers every day to make sure that their data security requirements are met and exceeded.

  • Independently assessed for compliance to SOC 2 Type II
  • Single-sign-on via industry standard authentication protocols
  • Support for two-factor authentication
  • Encryption of data in transit and at rest
  • EU/US Privacy Shield and GDPR Compliance

Give your financial service firm an edge

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Best Financial CRM: Build Client Loyalty With Insightly

Every business in the finance industry faces the unique challenge of meeting customer expectations. Whether you’re a financial advisor, bank, or wealth management service, the success of your business no longer depends on simply providing a great deliverable. Today, you must also provide exceptional customer experiences along the way.

One of the most effective ways to ensure the best experience for your customers is to use a customer relationship management (CRM) system designed to handle the complexities of financial organizations.

In this post, we will look at why your company needs finance CRM software and what you should look for when selecting the best CRM for companies in the finance industry, including the best CRM for financial advisors, finance broker CRM software, and the ideal CRM for the financial services industry.

Here’s what we’ll cover:

  • Why you need a CRM for your financial organization
  • How to improve customer relationships with a financial services CRM
  • What to look for in the best CRM for finance companies
  • Why Insightly is the best financial services CRM
  • Grow your financial business with Insightly

Full text

Why you need a CRM for your financial organization

There are two keys to the success of your financial organization; expanding your customer base and maintaining long-lasting relationships with each individual customer. To build meaningful relationships, you need to provide efficient services along with the solutions that are most appropriate to them. This requires understanding their unique needs, knowing the ins and outs of their industry, and showing how you can help them achieve their goals.

With an ever-increasing number of options available, customers have no shortage of places to go to for their desired financial services. The quality of your products and services matters. But, it is the companies that provide seamless, thoughtful, personalized experiences to customers that stand out. Those that fail to create top-notch experiences risk falling behind their competitors.

There are many tools financial companies use to manage their customer experience. Some are new and some are old, and each has its own features and effectiveness. Like any customer-focused industry, CRM systems are a necessity for financial organizations seeking to meet sales and marketing goals while exceeding customer expectations.


What does a CRM for finance mean?

You might ask, ‘what does a CRM for finance mean?’ A CRM for finance will allow you to use industry-specific features to help you keep track of all your customers to ensure that you always have essential information and communication history at your fingertips. Financial services CRM software can streamline the process of managing customer relationships, giving teams more freedom to provide great service. Using sales automation features, you can get a better look at your sales pipeline and use sales automation features for task management, thus eliminating redundant and routine tasks that keep your staff distracted from true customer satisfaction activities. CRM software is more than just financial services software since it is specific to customer relationships and is integral for winning new clients by organizing lead capture, follow-up and close.


How to improve customer relationships with a financial CRM

Now that you know why a CRM is critical to your financial business, it is important to understand how you can use the right platform to improve customer relationships and ultimately grow your revenue. Let’s examine some key finance CRM use cases and how they can help your business:

Streamline your processes
With a single system for managing customer relationships, your team can access client information swiftly to gather essential knowledge on any account. Details for any communication between a customer and an employee, whether online or in-person, can be added to the CRM in real-time. When the customers need assistance in the future, your staff will see the notes from all prior interactions allowing them to be better suited to help the individual. This helps eliminate duplicate conversations that can easily frustrate customers and make them feel you are indifferent to their needs.

Improve sales and marketing with unified data
Data from your CRM helps you gain a better understanding of your customers. The best CRM solutions let you create detailed reports and charts to highlight key data points. This makes it easy to share valuable information across your team. You can use these insights to improve future marketing efforts by identifying trends from successful campaigns.

Better collaboration between teams
Having to hop between multiple apps to get customer information is a hassle. By creating a single unified profile for each customer, the whole team can quickly get any piece of information. This makes collaboration effortless and reduces the amount of time needed to provide great service to customers.

Boost customer retention
Financial businesses need healthy relationships with their clients if they hope to retain them long term. This can prove challenging in today’s world, where in-person interaction is no longer the norm, and most contact happens digitally. A CRM serves as a vital thread to connect your business with your customers. It gives you the data necessary to proactively create personalized services that meet customer expectations. When your clients feel that you listen to them and understand their needs, there is less reason to move along to another service provider.

What to look for in the best financial CRM for finance companies

Finding the right CRM for your financial business is vital to your success. Just as sales processes differ between organizations and industries, so will the specific needs for a CRM. That said, there are some core functionalities every financial services company (and even insurance companies) should look for when trying to find the best financial advisor CRM option. Below are the key features to look for:

Data security
Data security is critical in the financial industry. In addition to guarding clients’ personal information and records, the entire system needs to be well protected against malicious attacks. The best CRM platforms understand these concerns and provide world-class security measures. This includes encryption, role-based access control, security protocols, and data backups, among others.

The best finance CRMs include workflows to automate business processes. This eliminates the need for your team to manually complete repetitive tasks and therefore enhances their productivity. You can use automation to streamline various tasks, such as sending email follow-ups or onboarding a new client.

Ease of use
All the features in the world won’t do much good if the platform is difficult to use. Your team may be great at consulting, but that doesn’t mean they are software gurus. For this reason, choosing a CRM that you can understand and that is easy to use is one of the most important things to consider when evaluating different solutions.

Customization and integrations
While it’s important for your CRM to be easy to use, it is also important that you can customize it to fit your particular needs. Do you have a specific process that may necessitate a custom field? Perhaps you have an extra step in your onboarding? The best CRMs let you easily customize views, workflows, and dashboards, according to your business without hiring expensive experts or paying exorbitant fees. They also come with plenty of integrations with other applications in your tech stack. These integrations boost efficiency even more by reducing the need to juggle multiple apps perform crucial tasks. However, the integrations must be easy to implement with little or no code required to again avoid expenses.


Why Insightly is the best financial services CRM

The best financial service CRM covers more than just the basics. It makes it easy to mold your approach for each particular client’s needs so that you can plan their economic future effectively.
Insightly stands out as a user-friendly CRM built to create unforgettable experiences while enhancing your team’s productivity. It’s customizable and scalable, ready to support your business as you attract more and more customers.

Here are some of the key features that make Insightly the best CRM for financial advisors:

Automated emails
Whether it’s pitching new leads or following up with prospects in your pipeline, email is the fastest and most trusted way to communicate with your audience. Using email marketing features, you can create email campaigns. Either create and send emails from within Insightly in a few clicks, or send out bulk emails to a list of contacts or leads with ease. Insightly tracks email delivery to customers in real-time and monitors open and click statistics for all email templates—it even notifies you when emails are opened. You can create custom reports from your emails and use opens/clicks as a key performance indicator for your marketing strategy.

Contact management
Managing tons of clients on different platforms or in spreadsheets is not efficient. Insightly connects a wide range of data points to consolidate all your clients into one unified solution. You can save notes for each contact, including their financial history, so that your team knows the details from every prior interaction. Insightly also maps and links customers based on their emails and other records to help you understand relationships and visualize an organization’s structure.

Workflow automation
Monotonous processes like data entry and scheduling repetitive tasks are not the best use of time. Whether it’s planning events, updating records, or assigning tasks, Insightly automates your workflow, enabling you to simplify complex multi-step business processes. Save your valuable time to better engage with and serve your clients, find new opportunities, and increase revenue generation.


Financial CRM software options

In your research for the best finance CRM, you may find financial software options that are specific to the financial services industry, and options that are available to all industries. For example, Stocktwits, Redtail, Weathbox and Kitces CRM are made for the financial industry. This may seem like a positive, but often these industry-specific systems are limited in their feature set and can be costly to customize. Similarly, since they are limited in their user base, it may be difficult to find consultants to assist with them when you inevitably need help. So rather than compare Wealthbox vs. Redtail, you should instead look in a different direction. With a broad market CRM like Insightly, Zoho, HubSpot, Microsoft Dynamics, or Salesforce, you’ll find more features, more frequent updates and a significantly larger user community. Of these, Insightly is the only modern CRM that is flexible, affordable and loved by teams since it’s easy to use. It also includes the necessary security features for regulatory compliance.

Grow your financial business with a financial CRM

Financial services today are driven by the customer experience. Companies that make the effort to understand and serve the individual needs of their customers will create the long-lasting client relationships needed to sustain success. Doing so is next to impossible without a high-quality CRM to build unified customer profiles and streamline business operations.

Insightly is designed for large and small businesses seeking to align their teams while creating world-class experiences for their customers. Try out Insightly CRM today with a free trial or a personalized demo to see how it can help your financial organization.