Products, Price Books & Quotes

Enhance efficiency and streamline sales processes

Close more deals faster—all within your CRM

As your business grows, giving your sales team the tools they need to succeed becomes increasingly important. The right CRM is the key to streamlined sales processes, reducing errors, and enhancing overall efficiency. Insightly’s Products, Price Books, & Quotes features allow your team to create an easy-to-access and comprehensive record of your offerings, ensuring more opportunities turn into revenue.

Create velocity for your sales team

Easily manage multiple products

Insightly makes it easy to create a complete catalog of your product offerings. Each product can have associated details such as description, pricing, and other customizable specifications. Having a central repository of product data ensures that your sales team has easy access to up-to-date information, simplifying internal and external communications while reducing the time it takes to find what they’re looking for.

Attach the right price to every opportunity

Insightly’s Price Books feature allows your team to align each product offering with individual opportunities strategically. The sales team gains unparalleled clarity on their offerings by associating the right products at the right prices. This enhances communication within the team, reduces errors, and ensures that sales efforts align seamlessly with unique customer needs.

Configure price quotes within opportunity records

Eliminate the need to switch between platforms when creating price quotes. Insightly allows you to configure and price quotes directly within opportunity records. This integrated approach accelerates deal velocity and makes for a better and more user-friendly experience for your team.

Efficiently visualize deal status

Quickly identify bottlenecks, prioritize high-value opportunities, and ensure that each deal progresses seamlessly through the sales funnel with quote pipelines. Build a visual representation of the data that matters most to your sales team, all within your CRM.

One-click PDFs or email quotes

Insightly’s Quotes feature quickly generates PDFs and email quotes directly from the platform. This one-click capability streamlines the quoting process, reducing turnaround time and ensuring timely responses to client requests.

Customized quotes with your branding 

Enhance your brand image by customizing quotes with branded templates in Insightly. The visually appealing and personalized quotes ensure a consistent and professional appearance across all client communications and reinforce your company’s brand identity.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I set multiple currencies within a single Price Book?

You can only set one currency per Price Book. However, you can use different currencies with other Price Books. You cannot edit the currency once it has been selected.

Can I have multiple Price Books in my Insightly instance?

Yes! Insightly gives you the ability to clone any pre-existing Price Books to better suit your needs. View the how-to information here.

How do I import Products, Price Books, & Quotes with Insightly?

View help center documentation for more on importing.